Topic outline

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      The required course assignments listed below are all submitted to MyCourses, but notice that some also include a step where you must bring or prepare material for discussion in class. The assignment-specific materials for completing each one are available in connection with the assignment instructions and submission boxes.

      You will receive feedback in different forms from the teacher as well as from your classmates. Throughout the course, you are expected to make corrections and develop your work further based on the feedback and topics covered during the course.       

      The preparatory assignments progress step-by-step towards the final versions of the written report and the presentation, so completing them on schedule and in the required order is important. The deadlines for most of the assignments, homework and online modules are normally by midnight before the next lecture. 
      You can also check the assignment deadlines in the Course schedule.

      List of course assignments:

      FINAL REPORT: A recommendation report 35 pts 

      FINAL PRESENTATION (3-5 min., video-recorded): 20 pts

      ONLINE MODULES (independent work): 5 pts
      The mandatory online modules
       on readability principles will be completed online, independently, and by the given deadline.

      -   Module 1: Style and Form (formal grammar and vocabulary): 
      2 pts
      -   Module 2: Avoiding weak verbs: 1 pts
      -   Module 3: Given-New Principle: 1 pts
      -   Module 4: Light-Before-Heavy Principle
      : 1 pts

      Preparatory tasks 20 pts 

      (1) Assignment 1: Learning portfolio 5 pts

      (2) Assignment 2: Introduction paragraph for the recommendation reportpts

      (3) Assignment 3: First draft of the full recommendation report 5 pts

      (4) Assignment 4:  Final learning portfolio reflection 5 pts

      Virtual collaborative tasks with French partners 20 pts

      There will be 10 connections + tasks.

      During part of the online exchange, you will write and speak about solutions related to your own field of study in a technological / scientific area. You will research a topic of the project, use your online partner as a sounding board for your ideas, and then create a video as your final presentation. 

      Written Assignment

      This report is a recommendation of a solution. You will write 500-600 words (excluding the reference list) on the topic of your choice. It should consist of three paragraphs and a list of refences as a complete report recommending a solution to a problem that has been detected in the current practices of the world. 

      Spoken assignment

      You will make a video of a presentation presenting a problem and its solution. 

      The problem can be a need to develop a new technology, or improve on an existing method or process.
      The solution may be e.g. a method, device, technology, material, or strategy.

      The THEME of your problem/solution must be the same between yourself and your online partner (A.I., materials, environment, gaming, robots, health, safety, ………), but you are NOT working on the same project. 

      You are using your partner as a bouncing board to get different opinions from their perspectives in order to make your project better. 

      Create a video, which includes slides, explaining:

      1. Problem/need (briefly describe the real-life need or problem)

      2. Proposed solution (What is it and how would it solve the problem?)

      3. Client (What public/private institution, company or individual entrepreneur might adopt this solution in their practices?) 

      You should also be clearly seen on the video.
      Length : 3-5 minutes.