Topic outline

  • These workshops are only for students who write their thesis in English.
    Instructor: Jenni Korvala ( )

    • Sign up beforehand (at the latest by 17.00 on Friday, 13 October) for both workshops with the same teacher at English workshop1 and English workshop 2
    • Submit your text samples to the assigned Turnitin submission boxes (available in this section) by the set deadlines.

    Workshop 1

    • Tuesday, 24 October, 9.30-11.00 in room U411 (Otakaari 1)

    Sign-up and instructions at English workshop1
    Submit the introduction section of your thesis here by 9.30 on 17 October.

      Workshop 2

      • Tuesday, 14 November, 9.30-11.00 in room U411 (Otakaari 1)

      Sign-up and instructions at English workshop 2
      Submit the text sample here by 9.30 on 7 November and be prepared to share it at the workshop.

      Please contact Jenni if you have any questions.