
  • These workshops are only for students who write their thesis in English.
    Instructor: Jenni Korvala ( jenni.korvala@aalto.fi )

    • Sign up beforehand (at the latest by 17.00 on Friday, 13 October) for both workshops with the same teacher at English workshop1 and English workshop 2
    • Submit your text samples to the assigned Turnitin submission boxes (available in this section) by the set deadlines.

    Workshop 1

    • Tuesday, 24 October, 9.30-11.00 in room U411 (Otakaari 1)

    Sign-up and instructions at English workshop1
    Submit the introduction section of your thesis here by 9.30 on 17 October.

      Workshop 2

      • Tuesday, 14 November, 9.30-11.00 in room U411 (Otakaari 1)

      Sign-up and instructions at English workshop 2
      Submit the text sample here by 9.30 on 7 November and be prepared to share it at the workshop.

      Please contact Jenni if you have any questions.
      • Please use this form to give feedback on the text of your classmate, if you are using a digital version. Paper copies of the feedback form are available in class for students using paper versions of the text samples.


        • When reading the text for the first time, answer the questions in PART A of the feedback form.
        • When reading the second time, answer the questions in PART B.
        Fill in your answers, comments and suggestions either on the text itself or on the feedback form, name each document according to the author of the text sample, and send the completed form together with the commented text sample to them via email or hand them over to your pair.