REC-E3400 - Housing Economics D, Lecture, 1.11.2023-30.11.2023
This course space end date is set to 30.11.2023 Search Courses: REC-E3400
Topic outline
Link for polls on Thu 30 Nov: TIMETABLE is provided below - 1st lecture takes place on Thu 2 November.
Required prior studies: REC-E3100 Real Estate Economics, REC-E3200 Institutions in Real Estate Economics. (That is: even if you have been "accepted" to the course via Sisu, you do not necessarily have a right to participate the course.)
- Lecture handouts are provided in "Lecture handouts" section - these will be updated (from 2022 versions) always before the lecture.
- Lectures will NOT be recorded, and there are no Hybrid lectures.
- Participation in the lectures is not compulsory (i.e. it is voluntary), but it is highly recommended.
- The course includes a compulsory assignment and an exam - the course grade is based on both of these.
- NOTE: Successful completion of the course (the assignment in particular) requires capability to conduct a meaningful regression analysis.
The 1st exam will be held via MyCourses in 7 December at 1pm to 4pm (that is, from 13:00 to 16:00) - students need to register to this exam via Sisu by the deadline (1 December).
Timetable File PDF
Any changes to the timetable that take place during the course will be informed through MyCourses.