Topic outline

  • General


    The course lectures will start Tuesday February 27:th.

    Tuesday lectures will be held Room R2, on Thursdays we will be in room 266.

    Friday exercises will be arranged in room R9. The materials for the exercises will be there available for you during the course. You can complete there the exercises flexibly at your own time.

    Hands-on-training in Otaniemi tunnels will be arranged on 26 and 28 of March. Please mark these dates to you calendar!

    The last week of the course (9. and 11. April) the focus on remote and digital mapping methods. The teaching will be organized Dr. Mateusz Janiszewski and I am sure you do not want to miss those lectures and exercises either.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Quiz icon
      Final Exam April 18:th Quiz
    • Folder icon
      Lecture slides Folder
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      Assignment icon
      Submit your Exercise 1 here! Assignment
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      Assignment icon
      Submit your Exercise 2 here Assignment
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      Assignment icon
      Exercise 3 Assignment
    • Assignment icon
      Exercise 4 Stereographic projections by hand: two fractures and an intersection line Assignment
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      Assignment icon
      Exercise 5 Studying stereoplot distributions Assignment
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      Assignment icon
      Exercise 6 SMean-vector estimation and confidence limits Assignment
    • Assignment icon
      Mohr-Circle Assignment
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      Assignment icon
      Flipped classroom exercise to be completed before March 12:th Assignment
    • Quiz icon
      Targeted Quiz