Topic outline

  • Welcome to the course!

    Responsible teacher

    Dominic Stead,

    Other contributors

    Aino Hirvola, Aalto University (guest lecture, session 7)

    Daniel Galland, Aalborg University (guest lecture, sessions 8 and 9)

    Peter Schmitt, Stockholm University (guest lecture, session 10)

    Learning outcomes

    After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

    • analyse planning systems and their role and importance in land use planning 
    • evaluate elements and characteristics of planning systems 
    • recognise different types of planning systems, and analyse and compare their characteristics to the Finnish planning system
    • understand societal, spatial and legal contexts of land use planning  
    • utilize planning and policy ideas in studio courses and in planning work 

    Course structure

    The course comprises 11 sessions:
    1.   Introduction. What is planning?  Monday 4 September 2023
          [No session on Wednesday 6 September 2023]
    2.   Why plan? Monday 11 September 2023
    3.   Governing planning.  Wednesday 13 September 2023
    4.   Dimensions of comparison.  Monday 18 September 2023
    5.   Planning systems.  Wednesday 20 September 2023
    6.   European influences.  Monday 25 September 2023
    7.   Planning in Finland.   Wednesday 27 September 2023
    8.   Planning in Denmark.  Monday 2 October 2023
    9.   Planning in Norway.  Wednesday 4 October 2023
    10. Planning in Sweden.  Monday 9 October 2023
    11. Synthesis. Q&A.  Wednesday 11 October 2023


      The grades for the assignments and home exam will be weighted as follows:

      Assignment 1 
      Assignment 2
      Assignment 3
      Assignment 4
      Home exam  50%

      Grading scale

      Verbal (EN)   
      Verbal (FI)
      Verbal (SE) 
      fail hylätty underkänd   
      1 passable välttävä försvarlig
      2 satisfactory   
      tyydyttävä nöjaktig
      3 good hyvä god
      4 very good
      kiitettävä berömlig
      5 excellent erinomainen   