Practical information (Section updated 23.10.2023)
The Surface
water resources -course will be held on Tuesdays (9:00-12:00) and Thursdays
(13:00-16:00) during period II (24.10. – 7.12.2022) on campus. The course starts on Tuesday 24 October 2022 at 9:00 (see Week 1 section). The main form of teaching is contact teaching, and we strongly advice participating on Tuesday and Thursday sessions on campus. See also details from Course Environment- section below. The extra time window for supportive (online exercise) sessions is on Wednesdays 16:00-18:00 in Teams. The lectures of Tuesdays and lectures/introductions of Thursdays are also streamed via Teams, just in case, i.e. if not possible to join on site due to covid-19 etc. reasons (links provided for each week separately). The Teams streaming is not recorded/saved. The exercise and discussion parts of the Tuesday and Thursday teaching occasions are only in class rooms, i.e. no Teams is "on" during the exercises. We are mainly in computer class room U344 on Tuesdays (weeks1-5 of the course) and in Y338 (weeks 1-5 of the course) on Thursdays, but during guest lectures we are in Vesitalo rooms 286+287. During weeks 6 and 7, all teaching occasions are in Vesitalo rooms 286+287. On weeks 6 and 7, we have only contact teaching on Thursdays, no contact/online sessions on Tuesdays nor Wednesdays.
Regarding covid-19, please follow the official rules of Aalto: Thus, please, do not participate the contact teaching if feeling sick. In these cases, and if you have any questions, we kindly ask you to contact teacher in advance (eliisa.s.lotsari[at]
The course will include
lectures, exercise sessions, discussion sessions, writing tasks and weekly exercise reports. There is no exam. However, on the final week there is learning café final seminar (not evaluated, but compulsory to participate). Also there will be one mid-course group discussion session during week 4 (on Tuesday 14.11.), which is also compulsory to participate. Week 6 includes work on Thursday 30.11., where also participation is expected. Detailed information on course content are given at first lecture, and also before each week starts.
Deadlines for exercises/tasks and evaluation time table of the course:
Return deadline of the weekly exercise is always on next Monday (at 23:59). See detailed deadline dates from the separate sections of each week. The evaluation of the exercise will be returned to students within a week from the exercise's deadline. 80 % of the final grade of the course will based on the weekly exercises. Note, that other courses are running during the same period: Teachers have discussed together, and decided to give as long time for each exercise submission as possible, i.e. until the evening before each new exercise starts. Note that there might be coinciding deadlines with different courses, and therefore, please allocate your times so that you will meet the deadline of each course you are taking, i.e. teachers suggest you to not to leave task preparations for final evening.
Return deadline of the compiled report of weekly writing tasks is on Tueday 5.12. at 12:00 (see detailed instructions and evaluation criteria from "Compiled report of writing tasks" section). The evaluation of the report will be returned as soon as possible. 20 % of the final grade will be based on this compiled report.
Return deadline for the preparatory task for the discussion of week 4 (i.e. mind-map related to the methods of reading material) is by Mon 13.11. at 12:00. These are not evaluated, but return is compulsory for passing the course. The reading material will be part of the reading material of the final seminar, thus it will be further discussed in final seminar. Instructions to the reading material and the preparatory task are given on first week's lecture (thus see the detailed instructions under week 1).
Return deadline of the initial self-assessment is on Wed 25.10. by 16:00, and return deadline of the final self-assessment is on 7.12. by 13:00. These are not evaluated, but return is compulsory for passing the course.
Contact teacher in advance, if there is risk for late return. Grade (i.e. not points) will be reduced by 30% of that late return in question. Very final deadline of all
returns 7.12. at 13:00 (before final seminar). No acceptance after that.
Evaluation of the whole course will be returned to students when the evaluation of weekly exercises, and the evaluation of the compiled weekly writing task reports are finalized.
Course mid-term feedback will be surveyed during week 4, and official Aalto system's feedback form will be sent automatically to you in the end of course. Feedback on your feedback (vastapalaute) will be given around 2 weeks after the course has ended, which is when the automated system sends the official feedback results to the responsible teacher.
The detailed course contents, instructions and
lectures are defined under the separate section for each week.