CHEM-E4215 - Functional Inorganic Materials, Lecture, 4.9.2023-12.10.2023
This course space end date is set to 12.10.2023 Search Courses: CHEM-E4215
Topic outline
Some background material if you need a refresher on crystal systems and crystal classes (Aalto Solid State Chemistry, Lecture 1). The most relevant part starts from slide 10.
Please return the final version of your learning diary here (Word or PDF format).
1. In the final learning diary, please mark clearly, which lectures you attended and which you did not attend. We need this information for the evaluation of the diaries.
2. Please submit a complete version that includes your learning diaries for all six weeks.
3. Please remember to include a short summary chapter, where you reflect on the whole course:
- Did your interest in the course subjects change during the course?
- Did your learning process change during the course?
- What grade would you give for yourself (on scale 1−5)?
The final version will be automatically run through Turnitin tool that checks the originality of the contents.