Osion kuvaus

    • Tiedosto icon
      Geographies of Photography: SYLLABUS Tiedosto
      Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija

      Everything you ever wanted to know about this course PLEASE READ IT THOROUGHLY

    • Keskustelualue icon
      Geographies of Photography: Announcements Keskustelualue
      Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija

      This is the main forum where any communication regarding CPP1 (b): Geographies of Photography will happen.

    • Kansio icon
      Resources Kansio
      Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija

      Texts, Files, and any other resources will be posted here

    • Tehtävä icon
      Writing assignment HAND-IN Tehtävä
      Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija