Topic outline

  • General

    ELEC-E5730 - Optics (5 cr)

    The course covers fundamentals of optics, mainly from the instrumentation point of view. The topics include geometrical optics, wave optics, interferometry, diffraction, and fiber optics. The course is lectured twice a week on Mondays and Fridays and there are weekly homework exercises. Course also includes laboratory exercise works. The first lecture is on Monday 8.1.2024.


    Registration is closed.


    Lectures (8.1.2024 – 16.02.2024)

       Monday 8:15-10:00, at Maarintie 8, room AS3

       Friday 8:15-10:00, at Maarintie 8, room AS3

    The lecture on Fri 2.2. will be held over zoom at:

    Exercise sessions (15.1.2024 – 12.02.2024)

       Monday 10:15-12:00, at Maarintie 8, room AS3

    Exam on Friday 23.02.2024, 08:00-11:00 in room TU5 at Maarintie 8.


    Course textbook is Fundamentals of Optics, by Ikonen, Laurila and Vaigu.

    Teaching personnel

    Lectures: Juho Karhu

    Homework exercises: Mikhail Korpusenko, Sudatta Das