ELEC-E5510 - Speech Recognition D, Lecture, 25.10.2023-8.12.2023
This course space end date is set to 08.12.2023 Search Courses: ELEC-E5510
ASR course 2023 runs for 7 weeks and includes:
- 10 Lectures
- 5 Home assignments
- 1 Project
Tentative Timetable Week Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Project Work 1 Wed 25.10.
(U7, Otakaari 1)Thu 26.10.
(U9, Otakaari 1)Meeting with tutors
and group members
During lecture 22 Wed 1.11.
(U7, Otakaari 1)Thu 2.11.
(U9, Otakaari 1)Meeting with tutors
and group members
During lecture 23 Wed 8.11.
(U7, Otakaari 1)Thu 9.11.
(U9, Otakaari 1)Meeting with tutors
and group members
During lecture 24 Wed 15.11.
(U7, Otakaari 1)Thu 16.11.
(U9, Otakaari 1)Meeting with tutors
and group members
During lecture 25 Wed 22.11.
(U7, Otakaari 1)Thu 23.11.
(U9, Otakaari 1)Meeting with tutors
and group members
During lecture 26 Wed 29.11.
(U7, Otakaari 1)Thu 30.11.
(U9, Otakaari 1)Project
presentations7 Thu 7.12.
(U9, Otakaari 1)Fri 8.12.
(U9, Otakaari 1)Project
Lectures will be given on campus at Otakaari 1 lecture room U7 PWC on Wednesdays (10.15-12.00) and Otakaari 1 lecture room U9 on Thursdays (10.15-12.00). The slides will be published in the Lectures section of Mycourses. Every week the lectures will contain a quiz and a quick pen & paper exercise that you'll need to submit to earn activity points. To prepare for the lectures:- Study the corresponding material from text books, e.g. for the Jurafsky-Martin book the relevant chapters are listed in a file that can be found from MyCourses > Materials > Mapping to Jurafsky's book. For other books, read chapters that match to the topics that you can see in the slides
- Download the slides (the first draft will appear slightly before the lecture)
- In the lecture it is recommended to have: a phone and pen & paper. Phone is needed for participating in the kahoot quiz and to take a photo of your pen&paper solutions and upload the file into the box in MyCourses > Lectures > Lecture Exercise
There are 5 mandatory home assignments. The deadlines are every Wednesday at 23:59 (starting 1.11.). Submission boxes for the assignments are located in the Assignments section of Mycourses. Instructions will be published there too.To help you with the assignments, TAs will be around at lecture 2 each week for questions. We will also have a course Zulip chat for asking questions and getting help from TAs and peers.
ProjectProject work is a mandatory part of the course. The work is done in groups of 3 students and includes a literature study, experiments, a presentation of the results, and a final report. You'll be assigned to a group and a topic according to your answers to the entrance survey. Each group will also have a tutor to support you through the course. The tutor will meet you every week to help you progress.
You can learn more about the project activities and deadlines in the Project Work section of Mycourses.
There is no exam, the grade is calculated based on the home assignments (50%), the project (40%), and the lecture activity points (10%). To be assigned to a project topic and a group, remember to fill in the entrance survey by Tuesday Oct 24th!Help and Discussions
Please use our Zulip workspace for course-related discussions.
If you want to contact the course staff, please use the email address elec-e5510@aalto.fiFor more info, check the lecture slides.Lecturer Prof. Mikko Kurimo, mikko.kurimo@aalto.fi Course assistants Anja Virkkunen, M.Sc.(Tech), anja.virkkunen@aalto.fi
Anssi Moisio, M.Sc.(Tech), anssi.moisio@aalto.fi
Dejan Porjazovski, M.Sc.(Tech), dejan.porjazovski@aalto.fi
Guangpu Huang, Ph.D. (Tech), guangpu.huang@aalto.fi
Katja Voskoboinik, M.Sc.(Tech), ekaterina.voskoboinik@aalto.fi
Nhan Phan, M. Sc. (Tech), nhan.phan@aalto.fi
Ragheb Al-Ghezi, M.Sc.(Tech), ragheb.al-ghezi@aalto.fi
Tamás Grósz, Ph.D.(Tech), tamas.grosz@aalto.fi
Yaroslav Getman, M.Sc.(Tech), yaroslav.getman@aalto.fiLanguage English Prerequisites Basic mathematics and probability courses Materials Lecture slides and handouts. For recommended reading see the slides of the first lecture. Materials section in Mycourses contains additional materials for different topics in ASR.