Osion kuvaus

  • Software Project 1 & 2 & 3 courses

    Date Event
    Mo 28.8.2023 DL: Register for CS-E4910 Software Project 3 in SISU
    We 30.8. DL: Project proposals from the Clients
    Mo 4.9. DL: Register for CS-C2130 Software Project 1 in SISU
    Tu 5.9. Project proposals published
    We 6.9. 16:15-18 Lecture (TU1)
    -Introduction to the course, Jari Vanhanen
    -Quality Award, Niina Jones/Accenture
    -Scrum Masters introduce themselves
    6.9.-18.9. Students list their preferences on the "CS-C2130 Google Sheet" and form the teams
    We 13.9. 16:15-18 Lecture (TU1)
    -Basics of Scrum and applying it in the course project, Jari Vanhanen
    Th-Fr 14.-15.9.
    Certified Scrum Master training (Vilho-233a at Learning Centre), Lasse Ziegler/agile42
    -for Scrum Masters only
    -register ASAP on the "CS-C2130 Google Sheet"
    Mo 18.9. 13:00 DL: Team formation. Teacher assigns the remaining students to the teams.
    We 20.9. 16:15-18 Lecture (TU1)
    -for Scrum Masters only
    -Scrum Master's role in the course project, Jari Vanhanen, Nikolai Denissov
    -Scrum Master's role in the Scrum Simulation, Towo Toivola/Futurice
    25.9.-9.10. Scrum Simulations (T4/T6)
    Mo 25.9. 16:00-20 & We 27.9. 16:00-20 &Mo 2.10. 16:00-20 &Mo 9.10. 16:00-20
    -mandatory participation in one of the sessions
    -register ASAP on the "CS-C2130 Google Sheet"
    -submit at most 7 days after the session your Learning Diary to MyCo
    6.-9.10. Teams send team CVs to their favorite Clients by e-mail and reserve meeting slots with them on the "CS-C2130 Google Sheet"
    We 11.10. 16:15-18:30 Lecture (TU1)
    -Welcome, Jari Vanhanen (16:15)
    -Project proposal pitches, Clients (16:25)
    -Discussions between the Clients and teams (17:30-)
    Fr 13.10. 13:00-13:30 Client info @ Zoom, Jari Vanhanen
    Mo 16.10. Start of the project (Sprint 0)
    16.10.-6.11. Client and students sign the project contract
    We 1.11. 16:15-18 EES 1: Setting-up the project and adopting Scrum (slides)
    -register and make pre-task by 31.10. 13:00 on the "CS-C2130 Google Sheet"
    Mo 6.11. DL: List schedule limitations for Project Review 1 on the "CS-C2130 Google Sheet"
    We 15.11. 16:15-18 EES cancelled
    We 22.11. 16:15-18 EES 2: Quality assurance and testing, guest Antti Ahonen/Tech Excellence Oy (slides)
    -register and make pre-task by 21.11. 13:00 on the "CS-C2130 Google Sheet"
    Mo-Th 27.-30.11. Project Review 1
    -submit 24h before your review the materials by e-mail and Learning diaries to MyCo
    Mo 15.1. DL: Registration for CS-C2140 Software Project 2 in SISU
    Mo 22.1. DL: List schedule limitations for Project Review 2 on the "CS-C2130 Google Sheet"
    Feb-Apr Conduct Peer Testing with the peer team
    We 7.2. 16:00-18 EES 3: Technology architecture, Senior Tech. Architect Jarno Hilvenius/Accenture (slides)
    -register and make pre-task by 5.2. 13:00
    Mo-Th 4.-7.3. Project Review 2
    -submit 24h before your review the materials by e-mail and Learning diaries to MyCo
    Mo 18.3. DL: List schedule limitations for Project Review 3 on the "CS-C2130 Google Sheet"
    We 10.4. 16:15-18 EES 4 (T6): What did we learn? (slides)
    -register and make pre-task by 9.4. 13:00 on the "CS-C2130 Google Sheet"
    We 10.4. DL: Register for the Gala (registration form)
    Th 18.4. DL: Submit Project poster for the Gala by e-mail to the teacher
    Mo-Th 22.-25.4. Project Review 3
    -end of the project
    -submit 24h before your review the materials by e-mail and Learning diaries to MyCo
    We 8.5. 16:15-19:30 Software Project and Quality Award Gala (slides, posters) (T1 & Sodexo)