Topic outline

  • General


    Welcome everyone to the course page of ELEC-E81111 Autonomous Mobile Robots.

    Course Format

    • Lectures will be held in person on Tuesdays at 14:15-16:00
    • The lab group assignment with a robot will be held in person.
    • The group project work can be held in person or virtually according to the group members' preferences.


    Lecture topics, including slides and recordings, are available in the tab Materials.


    At the beginning of each lecture, there will be held a voluntary 10-minute quiz.
    At each quiz, you will get assigned a random group based on your student number (remember your student number!)


    1. The final grade is a combination of the partial grades: 30%Exam/Quizzes+30%Conceptual Work+40%Practical Work
    2. To pass the course, you have to pass each part of the course.
    3. Exams and Quizzes are interchangeable.
    4. Exams grades always replace the Quizzes grade

    Project Groups

    Project groups cover both practical work and conceptual work.
    NOTE! If you are alone in the group, you must conduct all the work individually.


    In case you want to take the exam, you can attend at:
    Wednesday 29.5, 9-12 in TU2
    Wednesday 5.6, 9-12 in A1 in Otakaari 1
    Wednesday 12.6, 9-12 in A1 in Otakaari 1
    The best grade will be considered as the result of the exam.