Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to Biolab I course! Please note that students in Biotechnology major are prioritized. If more than 20 students enroll, all the students of Biotechnology major are accepted, if enrolled in time. If there is space, other students (Aalto degree students, bachelor students and exchange students) with sufficient background in chemistry and biology can be accepted to the course.

    It is important to participate in the first info session on Monday 4.9.2021 at 12.15 am in lecture room Ke5. If you cannot attend, send an e-mail to the responsible teacher Heli Viskari, heli.viskari at before the lecture. We will discuss e.g. the contents and working grouping of the course.

    Please note that the class will be divided to smaller working groups for laboratory work and each student will use only some of the announced laboratory times for hands-on work. Other scheduled times can be used e.g. for course-related independent work.

    • Not available unless: You belong to L01 (SISU)
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      Oral presentation topics Forum

      First send an e-mail to Heli to agree with the topic. After that add here your oral presentation topic (will be presented on Thursday 12.10.) and group member names, first names are enough. The presentations will be held in groups of 4-5 students.

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      Preliminary course schedule, might still change. In the beginning of the course the students will work in three sub-groups (groups 1-3), in the latter part in two sub-groups (groups 1-2). Grouping will be announced on Monday 4.9 in the info session. It is assumed that the students can work in whichever sub-group. Possible group changes, if any, have to be dealt among students.

      Please note that Thursday´s sessions take place now at 13.00-17.00. This is because a lunch break was added between Metabolism lecture and Biolab session.