Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Please note! When you register to the course on SISU you need to select one of the studio groups. This selection is not final. You are not tied to that selection and it also does not guarantee a seat in that specific group. The actual group confirmation will happen during the first weeks of the course.

    The groups will have specific priority orders for the final selection in the case that they are overbooked. For example, this course is a compulsory course for VCD students, so students from Visual Communication Design will have priority in the VCD themed groups. Some of the groups might also require some prerequisites.

    For the 2024 course, we offer the following thematic studio groups:

    • Information Design (Rupesh Vyas)
    • Visual Narratives (Vilja Achté)
    • Type and Written Language (Tuomas Kortteinen)
    • Self-Organized Publishing (Tuukka Kaila)
    • Interactive and Immersive Art (Matti Niinimäki)
    • Generative AI (Calvin Guillot)
    • Story Ecologies & More Than Human Practices (Lucy Davis)


    The course spans across periods 4 and 5. In period 4, we only have meetings once a week, first as a large group and then divided into the specific studio groups. Period 5 is when the core of the studio work happens.

    Period IV

    Wed 28.02. | 13:15–15:00 | Room A2 - A215
    Introduction to the course
    Introduction to the studio groups
    QA session
    Choose/confirm your group selection before next week.

    Wed 06.03. | 13:15–15:00 | Room A2 - A215
    Arja Karhumaa: Notes on Project Design
    Hertzum, Morten. 2014. “Project Designs for Student Design Projects”. in Simonsen, Jesper et al. (eds.) Situated Design Methods. MIT Press

    Guest talk: Nastja Säde Rönkkö

    Wed 13.03. | 13:15–15:00 | Room A2 - A215
    Guest Talk: Timo Wright
    Guest Talk: TBC

    Wed 20.03. | 13:15–15:00 | Room A2 - A215

    Wed 27.03. | 13:15–15:00 | Group specific class

    • Information Design: A2 - A215, Otakaari 1
    • Type and Written Language: Q103, Väre
    • Visual Narratives: U121a, Otakaari 1
    • Self-Organised Publishing: P106, Väre
    • Interactive and Immersive Art: G203, Väre
    • Generative AI: K103, Väre
    • Story Ecologies: TBA

    Wed 03.04. | No class, Easter Holiday

    Wed 10.04 | 13:15–15:00 | Group specific class

    • Information Design: A2 - A215, Otakaari 1
    • Type and Written Language: Q103, Väre
    • Visual Narratives: U121b HILTI, Otakaari 1
    • Self-Organised Publishing: P106, Väre
    • Interactive and Immersive Art: Q201, Väre (note the changed classroom)
    • Generative AI: K103, Väre
    • Story Ecologies: Kajuutta 112, Metallimiehenkuja 2

    Period V
    See the detailed schedule for each group from the group specific section.

    • Based on the initial selection that you made in Sisu, everyone got into their preferred group. However, you have until Tuesday 05.03, 23:59 to update your group choice if you wish to do so after the first class. Use the group selection tool below to change your group (Matti will update the Sisu groups accordingly on Wednesday, 06.03.)

      Please note that the groups have a maximum size:

      • Information Design (max. 16)
      • Visual Narratives (max. 16)
      • Type and Written Language (max. 16)
      • Self-Organized Publishing (max. 12)
      • Interactive and Immersive Art (max. 16)
      • Generative AI (max. 10)
      • Story Ecologies & More Than Human Practices (max. 16)