Topic outline

    • URL icon

      All of the detailed course materials will be on since it is a lot more flexible than MyCourses.

    • URL icon

      You can find our OpenProcessing class from:

      Everyone can view it but you need an invitation code to join. You can find the code below (make sure you are logged in to MyCourses).

    • URL icon
      OpenProcessing invitation URL

      Click the link to join our OpenProcessing class. The invitation code should be sent automatically, but in case it asks, the code is 40C771.

    • Not available unless: You belong to Beginner Group (SISU)
      URL icon
      Continuous Feedback URL

      Use this Presemo site to provide continuous feedback, questions, and other comments throughout the course.

    • Not available unless: You belong to Beginner Group (SISU)
      Assignment icon
      Beginner Group: Final Project Documentation Assignment

      See the instructions here:

      • a .pdf file that shortly explains your project (500–1000 words)
        • if your project is combined with Physical Computing, it's also ok to just submit link to your final project page.
      • .zip archive of all of the files and code of your project
      • at least one image of the project as a separate file (.jpg)
      • a short video capture of the project (can be screen capture or shot with a camera if there is some physical component).
      • optional: a url to a website if you have published the work or some type of write-up about it.

      Also include the answer to the following questions:
      1. Can I add the video of your projet to our website showcase?
      2. Can I upload the video file to the Media Lab Vimeo channel (the video will be much better quality this way)
      3. Can I publish your name on the site?
      4. Would you like me to add a link to your portfolio website, social media account etc. next to the video?