Topic outline

  • General

    Course content

    Audiovisual Studio workshop is a studio course that explores real-time video art, generative art and audiovisual performances through hands-on experimentation, lectures and screenings.

    The content includes but is not limited to:

    • Experimental video art
    • Real-time video
    • Generative art
    • AI generated audiovisual art

    The workshop introduces TouchDesigner as the main tool for experimenting with the topic, but students are able to use other tools as well. Students are expected and encouraged to develop their personal strengths and existing skills to find their own distinctive styles and workflows as audiovisual artists.

    Detailed course materials will be provided on the separate course materials site:

    Learning outcomes

    On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Experiment with audio-reactive visuals and other real-time video processing techniques using TouchDesigner software
    2. Apply generative AI tools in their real-time visual workflow
    3. Outline and explain historical and contemporary examples of audiovisual art


    This course is organized by the New Media major.

    The students should fill these prerequisites:
    1. The student should have completed or should be currently completing the AXM-E7001 Computational Art and Design course.
    2. The student should have completed or should be currently completing the AXM-E7002 Introduction to Media Art and Culture course.

    Priority in the registration is given to students who fill these requirements. If there is space, the rest of the seats will be filled based on the random selection by Sisu. The maximum size of the group is 15. Please do not ask for exceptions, this is a hard limit.

    Additional recommendations:

    1. Students should be familiar with basic video production and editing software and techniques
    2. Students should be familiar with basic image editing techniques (Photoshop or similar)
    3. Students should have basic understanding of creative coding and basic experience in using at least one programming language (Java/Processing, JavaScript/p5.js, Python, C/C++, C# or visual programming languages such as TouchDesigner, Pure Data, Max/MSP, vvvv, Unreal Engine Blueprints, Unity Visual Scripting etc.). Note: AXM-E7001 Computational Art and Design fills this requirement
    4. Experience in working with digital sound and music is recommended but not required.

    Schedule: Autumn 2023

    Monday | 16/10/2023

    Tuesday | 17/10/2023

    Wednesday | 18/10/2023 | Using Generative AI tools inside TouchDesigner (Calvin Guillot)

    Thursday | 19/10/2023

    Friday | 20/10/2023


    3 ECTS ≈ 80h

    • 35h contact teaching (including some independent experimentation)
    • 40h time for reflection and processing the lectures (not active work, happens mostly passively outside the class hours and even after the workshop)
    • 5h documenting your work and preparing the video recording of your project work


    To successfully pass the course, the student needs to:

    • Have a minimum attendance of 80% in the workshop
    • Produce a short experimental AV work that is presented on the final day of the course (Friday 20/10/2023)
    • Provide a video recording and a short written documentation of their work during the workshop. (Deadline 03/11/2023)


    This course is evaluated with a grade between 0-5.

    • 5 Excellent
    • 4 Very good
    • 3 Good
    • 2 Satisfactory
    • 1 Passable
    • 0 Fail

    Grading criteria
    • Attendance 25%
    • Project work 50%
    • Project documentation 25%

    Attendance (25%)

    • You need to be present minimum 80% of the classes
    • Each missed class (without a valid reason such as illness etc.) will affect your attendance grade negatively.
    • Each time you arrive late in class will affect your attendance grade negatively.
    • Active participation and attitude in class will affect your attendance grade positively.
    • Helping others will affect your attendance grade positively

    Project work (50%)
    • Aesthetic quality of the work
    • Novelty and creativity of the concept
    • Command of the technology
    • Attention to detail

    Project documentation (25%)
    • Audiovisual quality and attention to detail in the documentation video
    • Detail level of the documentation
    • Use of sketches, images, videos
    • Ability to reflect on your learning process