Topic outline

  • General

    ARK-E2021 - Interplay of Cultures Research and Theory D, Lecture (6 cr)

    Welcome to the Interplay of Cultures Research and Theory seminar course!

    This course will give you an overview of the current discourse on the thematic areas of global sustainability and development in the world majority context – or Global South – in countries outside Europe. We will be focusing on the dilemma of sustainable urban and societal development from the environmental and cultural perspectives, through reading, writing and discussion.

    The primary working methods of the course are reading and discussion. For each seminar session, you will be requested to read articles, which are indicated in the course schedule (presented on the first session on Jan 11th). Everyone will read the articles assigned for the session.

    The first teaching session is on January 11th at 9:15.

    PRE-READING for the first session is article: Salami, Minna, 2020, Sensuous Knowledge, A Black Feminist Approach for Everyone, READ Chapter 1 of KNOWLEDGE, p 11-42. Please, find the article from the PRE-READING materials folder.

    Interplay of Cultures Research and Theory supports and deepens the learning in the Interplay of Cultures-studio course (ARK-E1021).

    We use Miro -platform during the teaching sessions, so bring your laptop with you!

    The course language is English.


    ·      spring 2024, periods III-V, 11.1.2024-23.5.2024

    ·      Teaching takes place on Thursdays 9-12, at Konetekniikka 1 -building, room 201, address: Otakaari 4


    ·      Bachelor’s degree

    ·      Proficiency in English language is mandatory.

    Applying for the Course:

    ·      Enroll to this course through SISU.

    ·      open to Master´s Program in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Interior Architecture with Major in Architecture, as well as students from Creative Sustainability Master’s Program and students in Master’s Program in engineering or business are also considered.

    ·      Maximum number of students accepted is 25.

    The course is hosted by: Saija Hollmén, PhD, Architect, Professor of Practice in Humanitarian Architecture


    Taru Niskanen, PhD candidate, Architect, University Teacher

    Claudia Auer, PhD candidate, Architect

    For more information, please contact: Taru Niskanen,

    • IoC R&T Readings 2024 Folder
    • Reflection essay articles Folder
    • IoC Research & Theory - MIRO link URL

      Through this link you can access the course Miro board.

    • Please, use this resubmission box, if you have been asked to make corrections/rewrite some parts of your essay.

      Your reflection essay should be 1-2 pages each / 2000-4000 characters with spaces.

      You can choose also to write 1 reflection essay and the total number of characters are min 4000 and max 8 000 on your chosen thematic areas.

      One of the reflection essays should be different from the different thematic area than the article you presented. The essay can be on any of the articles we have read or any of the discussions, discussion points, or any topic or issue that you find interesting from the discussions we have had.

      Look for other sources - academic articles/text to support your text. Use at least 3 additional articles/texts.

      Link to Google Scholar:

      How to do correct referencing:

      To understand what is expected from the reflection essay, read articles about reflective practice:

      Moon, J. (2007). Getting the measure of reflection: considering matters of definition and depth, Journal of Radiotherapy and Practice, 6(4), 191-200.

      Clegg, S., Tan, J. & Saeidi, S., (2002). Reflecting or Acting? Reflective Practice and Continuing Professional Development in Higher Education, Reflective Practice,3:1,131-146,DOI: 10.1080/14623940220129924

      The articles can be found from Mycourses.

      You can also take a look at the links:

      Use the Miro round table discussions and diary entries to help you to remember what was discussed during the sessions. You can also reflect on questions:

      • What I know?
      • What I wonder?
      • What I learned?
      • What was new and interesting to me?
      • What kind of emotions the text evokes on me?
      • What kind of questions the text and discussion brought up to my mind?
      • About what I would still want to know more?

      Submit your corrected reflections essay as pdf to this folder latest by June 13th. 2024.

      Put your name and student number as well as the name of your essay in the beginning of the first page.

      Name your file: IoC_RT_last name_first name_essay_1(or2)_resubmission.pdf

      Or if you are submitting only one reflection essay name it: IoC_RT_last name_first name_essay_resubmission.pdf

      We practice using Turnitin submissions. Turnitin is a tool to support learning scientific writing regulated by the Aalto University Code of Academic Integrity.

      ·      supports learning of scientific writing and

      ·      helps to prevent unintentional or intentional plagiarism