
  • Frontpage: Announcements and Independent assignment

    Welcome to ARTS-A0120 - Contemporary Practice: Studio B, 08.01.2024-12.02.2024 course!

    We will start on Monday 08.01. at 9.15 o'clock:

    Group 1 in classroom  A308-309 (Otakaari 1 X, A-wing, 3rd floor)

    Group 2 in  A304-307 (Otakaari 1 X, A-wing, 3rd floor)

    Please, find your own group from the sections on the left side of this page to see the contents and schedule. Follow also messages in Announcements as well as your aalto.fi -mail.

    On this page you'll find a submission box for the independent assignment of your group. Click open to see description and instructions for the assignment.

    Teachers of the course:

    Group 1

    Sini Vihma, sini.vihma@aalto.fi, +358 50 421 0991

    Kristina Sedlerova-Villanen, kristina.1.sedlerova@aalto.fi

    Group 2

    Jukka Lehtinen, jukka.lehtinen@aalto.fi

    Sakari Tervo, sakari.m.tervo@aalto.fi


    Responsible teacher: Sini Vihma, sini.vihma@aalto.fi, +358 50 421 0991

    Workshop master: Pauliina Parjanenpauliina.parjanen@aalto.fi, tel. +358 504709277

    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör en grupp i Ryhmäjako
      Announcements Forum
    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen Group 1 Sini, Kristina
      Group 1: Studio B Independent assignment, submission here no later than 2.2.2024 Inlämningsuppgift
    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen Group 2 Jukka, Sakari
      Group 2: Studio B Independent assignment, submission here no later than 5.2.2024 Inlämningsuppgift
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
      Course Intro Fil PDF