Topic outline

  • The opening lecture of the course takes place on 6.9.2023 between 13.15-17.00 in lecture hall AS4 of Maarintie 8, 02150 Espoo.

    The seminar sessions take place weekly on Wednesdays between 13.9.-11.10.2023 at 15.00-17.00, and details about each session will be informed directly to course participants. The default location of each seminar session is the office of the partner company in the center of Helsinki, but some individual session(s) may take place in Otaniemi.

    Note that two seminar sessions on 27.9.2023 and 4.10.2023 involve solving the weekly case in groups during a given limited time during the same day before the seminar session, so make sure that your schedule is flexible enough to be able to take the course! The work takes place from 11.30 onwards with a small break before the actual seminar session between 15.00-17.00. The default location for this work is the office of the partner company.

    Participation in the opening lecture and all seminar sessions is mandatory for passing the course.

    Please note that it is not possible to participate in any teaching of the course remotely!

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student

      Partner Companies of Seminar Sessions
      # DateCompany Time
      1  13.9.2023   August Associates     15:00-17:00
      2   20.9.2023   VALOR Partners    15:00-17:00
      3   27.9.2023   Bain & Company    11:30-14:45 and 15:00-17:00
      4   4.10.2023   McKinsey & Company    11:30-14:45 and 15:00-17:00
      5   11.10.2023   Accenture    15:00-17.00