
  • Topics & Speakers
    The first part of the course (Lectures 1-4) introduces the field of Product Management and the three key aspects of Users, Development, and Business.
    1. What is Product Management by Marko Oksanen (CEO, Coventures)
    2. Understanding customer by Udo Szabo (Director HW product, Oura)
    3. How development works by Otto Hilska (CEO, Swarmia)
    4. Validating the value of the product by Timo Herttua (Head of Product, Nortal) ja Terhi Hänninen (PM, Google)

    In the first assignment the objective is to define user’s needs for an existing product using job-to-be-done framework and translating these to a new feature in a chose app

    The second assignment, you will continue with the feature you proposed in assignment 2, and define the first slice(s) that development should address. 

    The third assignment completes the three steps by focusing on validation.

    • Lecture 1: What is product management?
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande

    • Readings

      Key readings related to the first lecture

    • Lecture 2: Understanding customer
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    • Readings

       The two books - Perri's Build trap and Cagan's Inspired - are organised with somewhat different structures than the course, and direct matches between the second lecture and the books are harder to draw. However, both of the books discuss the matters related to users and customers in multiple chapters, these segments just take some work to find.

        Accordingly, the more direct readings for the week are based on articles/blogs curated by this weeks experts. 

      For a deeper dive, here's a how-to for talking with humans
      • Constable, G. Talking to humans, "practical guide to the qualitative side of customer development"
      Additionally, the following books / sources were often mentioned by experts while building the course:

    • Lecture 3: Organising development
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      Organising development by Otto Hilska Fil PDF

    • Readings

      The two books - Perri's and Cagan's - are shorter on content that has to do with engineering. As we are starting to see by now, PMs roles vary according to the context, and in general, as books try to find a broad audience, they end up focusing on business and team leadership. Useful, but not for understanding the PMs interfaces towards tech.

      The little that is covered can be found from 

      • Cagan (Inspired): Ch 28-32

      The following books expand on the issues of the lecture:

      • Reinertsen, D. "The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development", 2009, Celeritas Publishing
        Tastes differ, but compared to the generally light-weight argumentation of popular PM books, this is easily among the more rigorous contributions. Much recommended, but note the focus on managing product development. Excellent in terms of processes, but not your best source for understanding the value of end product at the hands of the user.
      • M. Skelton & M. Pais, "Team Topologies", 2019, IT Revolution
      • Cagan, M. & Jones. C. "Empowered". 2021, John Wiley & Sons
      • Doerr, J. "Measure what matters", 2018, Portfolio Penguin

    • Lecture 4: Validating business and use value
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      Business understanding for product manager by Timo Herttua Fil PDF

    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
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      Validation Why, what and how by Terhi Hänninen Fil PDF