Osion kuvaus

  • In this topic, we will study the resonator theory (interactive lecture 1 on Feb 8) because the operation of most microwave components is based on the resonance phenomenon. Such examples would include components with reactive elements-based matching circuits, filters, oscillators, antennas etc. In addition, we will study the scattering parameters, also called the S-parameters or S-matrix (interactive lecture 2 on Feb 15), widely used in analysing the operation of microwave circuits through measurements and simulations. The biggest benefit of the S-parameters is they allow the component or circuit to be modelled as a "black box" which eases the analysis of the circuit or the system because we do not need to know the fine details of the component or circuit inside the black box. The S-parameters are also a viable tool for "pen & paper" type theoretical analysis, modelling and understanding of microwave components and circuits.

    The dedicated intended learning outcomes of Topic 3 are:

    • The student can analyse the operation of basic microwave circuits and resonators based on pen and paper calculations and simulations (AWRDE).
    • The student can model and analyse the operation of microwave circuits and resonators with suitable circuit parameters, especially the scattering parameters (S-parameters).

    In this topic one should command the following subjects of the coursebook:

    • Series and parallel resonant circuits (Pozar chapter 6.1)
    • The scattering matrix (Pozar chapter 4.3)
    • The transmission (ABCD) matrix (Pozar chapter 4.4)

    Availability of AWR Design Environment:

    • remote usage with personal PCs is available through mfavdi.aalto.fi
    • in PC classes and AS5 (1621) in Maarintie 8 building
    • in PC class "Maari E" in the "Maarintalo" building (Sähkömiehentie 3)
    • for personal PC: AWR free trial: here

    • Preliminary tasks

    • Interactive lectures (Feb 8 and 15)

    • Exercise problems