
  • Allmänt

    • Greetings

    Hello colleagues and young friends. Welcome to one of the intriguing courses presented by the Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering. During these approximately 3 months, we will make an exciting journey together, studying advanced topics of electromagnetic theory and engineering. Please do not hesitate to continuously ask questions and discuss with the teachers and your friends in the class. We are very happy to be with you.  

    • Objectives 

    The main study goal of this course is to gain an advanced understanding of electromagnetic fields. We will study the fundamental properties of electromagnetic fields and analytical methods for the studies of electromagnetic phenomena. This knowledge forms the foundation of modern radio science and engineering.

    • Teachers 
    1. Professor Constantin Simovski
    2. Professor Sergei Tretyakov,
    3. Professor Xuchen Wang (online), 
    4. Dr Mohammad Sajjad Mirmoosa (online), 
    5. MSc Mostafa Movahediqomi, 
    6. MSc Mohamed Mostafa.
    • Course Organization  

    Mondays: We have live lectures in the lecture hall. Only Lectures 5, 10, and 12 are read online, and you may listen to the lecturers anywhere.  

    Thursdays: Contact teaching for exercise sessions of lectures 1-4, 8, 10 and 12. Online teaching for exercise sessions of Lectures 5-7, 9,  and 11. Discussion of homework assignments and related problems. Homework is handed in the morning.

    Homework should be returned at latest on Wed., 20:00 Helsinki time.

    There is a consultation before the exam.

    Written examination is at the end, 03.06.2024.

    • Efforts Expected 
    1. Lectures and problem-solving sessions.
    2. Homework problems during the course. 
    3. Independent work. 
    4. Final exam. 
    • Evaluation Criteria 
    1. Homework progress — 50%,  
    2. Exam success — 40%, 
    3. Quiz — 10% 

     Our main literature sources:

    Errata for the textbook.

    Besides of there books there are also: 
    1. Lecture notes (lectures 1, 3, 4, 6), to be uploaded before the lectures. 
    2. Lecture slides for every lecture, to be uploaded after the lecture. 
    2. References in the last slide of every lecture.