Topic outline

  • General

    This course is online only.

    The course focuses on overall understanding of cybersecurity including different types of threats and solutions and the evaluation of technological solutions. After the course students are expected to understand digital security.

    The course consists of five lecture days in April and May (April 23rd, May 7th, May 14th, May 21st and May 28th) and some assignments (more on the assignments below). Attending all the lecture days (for the whole time!) is mandatory; two absences are permitted for a good reason, but you'll be assigned compensatory work for absences. All assignments are mandatory as well, and deadlines must be met! Group members will also grade each other, and this may have an effect on the overall grading as well.

    The course is graded pass/fail.

    This is a high-level course that also contains some technical cybersecurity knowledge. There are other courses that are much more technical. Some of these include:

    CS-C3130 Information Security
    CS-E4160 Laboratory Works in Networking and Security
    CS-E4300 Network Security
    CS-E4310 Mobile Systems Security
     Cryptography and Data Security
    CS-E4330 Special course on information security
    ELEC-E7330 Laboratory Course in Internet Technologies

    NB: All texts you submit must be written by you (in the case of group exercises, your group) in their entirety. Quotations are okay, as long as they are clearly marked as such. If you use an AI to help you with your assignments, this needs to be stated in the beginning of your submission. State what tool you used and where.

    Hand in all personal and group assignments as PDF files.

    The responsible teacher for this course is Dr. Tanesh Kumar. The course assistant is Juho Kaivosoja.

    The schedules for the lecture days can be found in their own sections (in the menu on the left) once the schedule is finalised. Link to the virtual lectures can be found below - note that you need to be logged in and enrolled to see it.

    • Assignments

      There are in total six assignments on the course:

      Three individual assignments. These are worth 10 points each. You need to get 3 points from each one to pass.

      Two group assignments. These are worth 15 points each (for each group member). You need to get 3 points from each one to pass.

      The Case Study. This is worth 40 points, and you need to get 15 points to pass. 10 of the points will come from peer review and 30 will come from the staff grading. You can also get up to two bonus points based on the peer reviews you give.

      To pass the course, you need to get at least a total of 50 points from the assignments.