MS-E1687 - Advanced Topics in Cryptography V D, Lecture, 8.1.2024-8.4.2024
This course space end date is set to 08.04.2024 Search Courses: MS-E1687
Topic outline
Monday, January 8, 12:15-14:00.
Usually, all sessions are about us jointly discussing a paper (and questions we have about it) which we all read before the session, but in the 1st session, this doesn't work. Therefore, instead, I (Chris) will give a brief introduction to key exchange, looking at different examples and settings. We might also look at a couple of simple protocols, informally, depending on how it goes.
Below are a couple of notes of some things I want to mention. Afterwards, I also want to explain why I chose this paper by Bellare and Rogaway as the first reading assignment. -
Week 2 File PDF
This is the paper which we are going to read in week 2:
Below, I provide an edited PDF where I removed some of the pages and added an explanation about game-hopping. There is also some discussion about SIDs and partner functions in this paper, which might not be completely clear and which we might be discussion on January 15 in order to make the proof easier to read.