Topic outline

  • General


    Nowadays, Information Systems (IS) are deeply embedded into business operations and daily life in modern societies. The more we rely on IS, the more they and their underlying design decisions influence our habits and behaviours. As a result, any design decision made while developing and implementing these systems and digital services (i.e., digital innovation) is associated with a set of social, economic, and environmental responsibilities. These responsibilities are even more serious in autonomous and robotic systems that can operate with little human intervention and beyond the boundaries intended by different groups of stakeholders. Therefore, it is essential for IS students, as the next generation of practitioners and managers, to gain a deep understanding of ethical considerations associated with digital innovation processes and products 

    In this course, we aim at providing an overview of concepts and theories of ethics and their implications in the IS discipline. Additionally, we will discuss the impact and consequences of design decisions for different groups of IS stakeholders in organizational contexts and digital societies. In so doing, we consider different risks, consequences, and responsibilities associated with implementing and using IS in organizations.

    Click here for course description and syllabus


    When ​

    What ​


    Lesson 1: Introduction to the foundations of ethics and technology ​


    Lesson 2: Ethics and regulations, policies and laws ​


    Lesson 3: Ethical issues and concerns in designing digital services ​


    Lesson 4: Ethical issues and concerns in using digital services ​


    Lesson 5: Ethics of AI and Emerging Technologies


    Group presentation submission


    Group presentation​ (8:15-10:30)

    Guest Lecture (10:30-12:00)


    Group report (essay) submission


    Final exam ​


    Exam retake

    If you have any questions about the course, first check the FAQ page and if you cannot find an answer to your questions, ask them via this link
    If needed, you can contact us via email or you can book a meeting
    and come discuss with us during the course office hours on Tuesdays, 13:00 – 15:00.
    • Kari Koskinen: kari.m.koskinen(at)
    • Hadi Ghanbari: hadi.ghanbari(at)aalto .fi