
  • FAQ

    This page will be updated based on your questions.

    • Are we allowed to use AI-enabled services (e.g. ChatGPT, DeepL, Dall-e, Bard, Midjourney, Grammarly) in this course?
      • In this course, we follow Aalto University's guidelines on the use of AI in teaching and learning. AI-enabled services can be used to support your writing in terms of formatting and grammar check, but you are not allowed to use these tools for ideation or generating text for the report. Also, you are not allowed to feed the course material, especially case studies, to AI-enabled services because of copyright issues.
    • Are we supposed to find group members or are we assigned to groups?
      •  You are supposed to form a group during the first sessions. If you do not have a group after the first session, you can post a request for teammates in the "Student forum" section. However, if you have trouble finding teammates let us know and we will add you to a group.
    • Are the lectures mandatory in this course?
      • You are expected to attend at least four sessions (out of six). 
    • I cannot attend the course due to personal reasons, is it possible to complete this course remotely?
      • You cannot complete this course remotely. Attendance and active participation in the course sessions are mandatory, but you are allowed to miss a maximum of two sessions. 
    • Is the course material enough to prepare for the exam?
      • The exam questions are based on the content presented in the course slides and the study material suggested in the course introductory slides, available on the front page.   
    • What type of questions are there in the exam?
      • The exam consists of essay-type/open-ended questions, where you are expected to explain and justify your answers by providing a sufficient amount of information. We do not measure the length of your answers, therefore, you are not expected to write a 3000-word essay, for example, to explain what digital innovation means.      
    • Is there any additional information on the group assignment/group formation?
      • The  information regarding the group assignment can be found in the course introduction slides of the first session. However, if you have any additional questions about the group assignment, just send us (Hadi or Kari) an email or come to have a chat after/during class or during office hours (Tuesdays between 13:00-15:00). You can book a meeting with us here. In addition, if you want to check whether your chosen framework and/or system is suitable for the group assignment or wish to have feedback on some other related issue, just send us a brief description of what you intend to do and we will get back to you with the feedback.