37E00100 - Information Economy, Lecture, 26.2.2024-17.4.2024
This course space end date is set to 17.04.2024 Search Courses: 37E00100
Topic outline
Welcome to our course on Information Economy. The objective of this course is to give the students an in-depth understanding of different issues related to digital economy. The main focus is on digital goods and services and platform mediated networks that enable or support the production and delivery of these. This integrating advanced level course is accomplished through readings and discussion, and independent studying is of great importance.
There is no mandatory class participation, but the student is allocated to one article review panel. It is also highly recommended to participate to the teaching case session on autonomous vehicles as the assignment is heavily based on that session. Overall, it is recommended to attend all lectures as the assignments are related to class discussion and the exam questions are based on lectures and readings. The slides will be available online here in MyCourses prior to the lecture and an audio recording of each lecture will be uploaded to MyCourses after the lecture.