31E15000 - Development Economics I, Lecture, 4.9.2023-20.10.2023
This course space end date is set to 20.10.2023 Search Courses: 31E15000
The course is taught fully on campus and neither lectures nor exercise sessions will be streamed or recorded. Attendance is not mandatory, but highly recommended. The grade is based on assignments and a final exam. Some of the assignments will be written in pairs. More information on the course and evaluation criteria are found in the detailed course plan.
Course plan Fil PDF
Detailed plan for the course, lecture by lecture. Reading list is in a separate document.
The document includes detailed grading comments for the exam on Oct 20. The overall impression was that while many did well on the exam, there were several cases of extensive copying from lecture notes or other material, without citing them. The instructions specifically said that this is not allowed (and if we would go by the university rules, could be processed for plagiarism). Therefore, such answers have been discounted.