Course info
Welcome to the PDE course. The learning objective of this course is to understand fundamental phenomena and techniques related to PDEs that are relevant in mathematics, physics and engineering.
The PDE course will be lectured in English. The course will be 12 weeks long and will run during teaching periods I-II. The tutorial sessions will start in the first week of lectures and will run every week. Homework assignments can be found on Assignments page.
Course practices will be discussed in the first lecture on Monday 4 September at 14.15-16.00 in lecture hall D. It is important to attend the first lecture even though information is also available in MyCourses. We have adopted a flipped classroom model for the course in the sense that we cannot cover everything in detail during the lectures. Therefore the participants are expected to study the announced pages of the lecture notes before each lecture. There will be pre-lecture yes or no problems for each lecture (starting from the 2nd lecture week) and it is recommended to try to solve them already before the lecture. The exercise classes will be from Wednesday to Friday (5 groups, each group meets once a week). In the exercise class, you can get help for solving homework problems. The solutions to homework problems are returned online.
Telegram: This course has its own telegram-group, where students can ask questions from the teaching assistants (the recommend way to contact the lecturer is by email or before/after the lectures). Telegram is an unofficial channel i.e. all official information can be found also in MyCourses.
Enrolment: Please sign in for the course in Sisu by choosing the tutorial session that you will attend. All groups will be on campus. If all the groups are full, send an email to the lecturer (Riikka Korte). Please check that this course is in your primary study plan. If your favourite group is full, please register to some group that has space. You can visit other groups if there is space in the class rooms.
Exams: There will be a course exam on December 11, at 9.00-12:00. (Check the hall from the notice board before the exam.) It is possible to pass the course by taking only an exam ("tentti" 100%), but it is different from the course exam ("loppukoe" 50%).
Grading: 50% course exam, 40% homework assignments and 10% pre-lecture assignments. 1% extra for answering to the course feedback.
Instructor: Riikka Korte (
Head assistant: Timo Takala ( (group H04)
Assistants: Joona Lindell ( (group H01) Theo Elenius ( (group H05) and Teemu Tasanen ( (groups H02 and H03).
Exercise sessions: H01 (Finnish) Wednesday 12.15-14, H02 Wednesday 16.15-18, H03 Thursday 14.15-16, H04 (Finnish) Friday 8.15-10, H05 Friday 14.15-16.