Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to the cryptography course :-) For an outline of the content, see the syllabus. For the organization, see the organization section. Links to the lectures will be posted on Zulip (, see Organization section for the registration link to Zulip. 

    Here is a brief preface/introduction to the course as a video:

    Brief organization summary:

    Period I: Pre-recorded lectures + in-person exercise sessions. 

    Period II: In-person lectures + in-person exercise sessions

    The first lecture is already posted, the first exercise sessions take place 12:15-14:00 on Sept. 4, 14:15-16 on Sept. 5 and 14:15-16 on Sept. 7. Please join the course Zulip and watch the first lecture before attending any of the exercise sessions. See organization for more details on the organization.


    There are 10 exercise sheets, each worth at most 4 points (40 points total)In period I, a mostly correct solution to one exercise yields 2 points and a good attempt yields 1 point. In period II, points are given as per instructions on the individual exercise sheets. You can attempt as many exercises per exercise sheet as you want, but the maximum amount of points is 4 per sheet (e.g. even if you submit more than 2 correct solutions, you can only get 4 points). Deadlines are on 11:30 on each Monday. No points are given for late submissions, but feedback is always given.

    Participating in all the quizzes before the deadline and answering at least one of the quizzes correctly yields 1 point (up to 12 points). The quizzes allow you to obtain quick feedback on your understanding. In period I, it is recommended to watch the lecture video by Monday, and the deadline is Wednesday 18:00 (exception: in the 1st week, it is Friday, 11:30), and the quizzes are embedded into the lecture videos. In period II, the deadline is Friday, 11:30 and the quizzes are posted separately on MyCourses.

    See organization for a schedule containing all the deadlines.

    There are no grades, just pass or fail. Unfortunately, we cannot make exceptions even if you would prefer a grade.

    Passing criteria are

    • at least 30 points throughout the entire courseand
    • at least 10 points in the first half of the course, and
    • at least 10 points in the second half of the course.