CS-C3240 - Machine Learning D, Lecture, 4.9.2023-13.10.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 13.10.2023 Etsi kursseja: CS-C3240
Osion kuvaus
Link to join the Slack discussion forum Verkko-osoite
The Slack discussion forum can be used to discuss anything related to the course, and it is intended as the main communication channel between the students and the teaching personnel during the course. In particular, you can seek help for assignments. However, please avoid posting (partial) solutions to the assignments.
Our Slack is organized in different channels that correspond to different course activities (assignments, project, lectures). If you have any questions regarding these activities please post your question in the most suitable channel. We warmly welcome students to answer questions from other students. However, we will also try to help you and answer your questions.
Please avoid sending personal messages to TAs on Slack. By keeping the communication public, someone else can benefit from an answer to your question.
NB: Slack does not guarantee strong privacy. Therefore, we do not recommend to use Slack to communicate sensitive matters even in private messages. For such matters, such as sickness during the course etc., you can send an email to the lecturers or coordinating TAs (depending on your topic).