Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to the course Biodesign — innovating medical technologies in multidisciplinary teams D!

    During the course the student will learn how need-driven innovation and commercialization of medical technology (medtech) works. During the course, together with your multidisciplinary team, you will create a concept and a business case for your own medical technology. Your solution addresses a real and validated need in healthcare, based on direct observations of problems. By the end of the course, you will pitch your concept and medtech business case to real investors in a "Biodesign Dolphin Tank". 
    See you at the first lecture 6.5.2024!

    Important! The course is an intense course and you should assume full-time studying throughout the course. The course also includes mandatory assignments that require on-site participation, so we cannot recommend e.g. doing a summer job in parallel. The course cannot be passed without passing the assignments on both 7.5. and 8.5.

    The course is arranged by Aalto University and University of Helsinki in collaboration with Biodesign Finland program and Metropolia University of Applied Sciences.

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