Topic outline

  • General

    This MyCourses page contains basic information and materials of BioEM course. The course communications are handled primarily through our Zulip chat. You will receive the invitation link at the start of the course. The course starts on Thursday, 7th September.

    The course consists of three thematic parts that are partially interleaved:
    1. Bioelectromagnetic sources, potentials and fields (cell / tissue / macroscopic)
    2. Forward problem and measurement of macroscopic bioelectromagnetic fields
    3. Source analysis i.e. estimating (equivalent) sources from measured data
    In the first weeks, we will also have some recapping of basic electromagnetism. 
    The learning work is focused around exercises and course journals. Each part has two exercise sets, and the journal is written in three Chapters, i.e. one Chapter per part. The exercise sets are due every two weeks and the journal Chapters roughly every four weeks.

    The teaching takes place at Health Technology House (Otakaari 3).
    • Lectures: Thursdays 10–12h at Auditorium (F239a)
    • Exercises: Wednesdays 14–16h and Fridays 12-14h at Lecture Hall 1 (F175a).
    The main exercise sessions are on every Wednesday and on Fridays of even course weeks. Tutorials and feedback sessions are on some Fridays of odd course weeks. More information will be available in Zulip.

    v230829 Matti