MNGT-E1009 - Leading Yourself, Teams and Organizations, Lecture, 4.9.2023-11.10.2023
This course space end date is set to 11.10.2023 Search Courses: MNGT-E1009
Topic outline
Program (the lecture sessions)
4.9. (12-14) Course introduction
6.9. (12-15) Self-leadership: workshop 1 (Saija in charge)
11.9. (12-14) Leadership theories
13.9. (12-15) Self-leadership workshop 2 (Saija in charge)
18.9. (12-14) Leadership models and styles
20.9. (12-14) Teamwork and facilitation skills (Saija in charge)
25.9. (12-14) Leading teams
27.9. (12-14) Leadership in and as real-time practice
2.10. (12-14) Skills and practices of a leader
4.10. (12-14) Cultural aspects to leadership
9.10. (12-14) Organizational design
11.10. (12-14) Course wrap-up