Topic outline

  • Magnetism & Applications 2024, Mon 03.06. - Tue 25.06.

    Link to the lectures: Zoom link

    Magnetism & Applications is a course about naturally occurring magnetic fields. During the course the students will learn about the geomagnetic field, solar magnetism, and magnetic disturbances within the solar wind, as well as how to measure and monitor them.

    Over the course, the students will complete a scientific project regarding a magnetic phenomenon of their choice, writing a report about the project, and giving a presentation (in the form of a talk or a poster; to-be-decided) at the conclusion of the course.

    Course is evaluated by:
    1) Participating at lectures, through attendance and asking questions
    2) Giving a presentation on the chosen topic (last lecture/s)
    3) Writing a scientific report on the topic

    Course goals

    The student is aware of the basics of magnetism in different parts of the heliosphere including geomagnetism, solar magnetism, interplanetary magnetic field and magnetic disturbances carried by the solar wind.

    The student is able to use magnetometer for measuring the strength of the Earth's magnetic field, understand the basics of the data calibration and homogenization.

    The student understands the basics of the magnetometer and how they are used for orienting CubeSats and larger satellites as well as used for navigation and scientific analysis.

    The student is able to handle the time series on magnetic field for over days, months and decades by the basic programming tools, and is able to proceed basic statistical analysis.

    Course contents

    - Basics of geomagnetism
    - Basics of solar and solar wind magnetism
    - Field-work on magnetic field measurements
    - Basics of magnetometers on ground, on-board small and large satellites
    - Hands-on-data exercises on time series data analysis

    Exercises include the project, the project report, and presenting its results.

    Link to the lectures (same as above):
    Zoom link

    Lecture dates:
    Every Monday and Tuesday of June, at 12:15 - 15:00. All lectures are organized remotely over Zoom.