Topic outline

  • LC-7220 Suomi 2

    LC-7220 Suomi 2, 22.1.-27.3.2024

    Opettaja: Malka Gotthilf  (
    Aika: maanantai & keskiviikko klo 14.15-15.45                                    

    Kirja: Oma suomi 1 kappaleet 6-9 / painettu (printed) tai digikirja

    • This is a written exam. There are 5 pages in total. Once you start doing the exam, you'll have 3 hours to complete it. The exam is open until 28th of March 00:00 (basically until next day).

      Tsemppiä! Good luck!

    • Instructions how to use the smartphone app OTSO listen to the audio of the textbook.

    • Sanakirja (online dictionary)

      Simple and quick dictionary. Several languages available.

    • Sanakirja (online dictionary)

      Study words in different fields. Every word equals a picture and translation in several languages.

    • Correct solutions to exercises, textbook Oma suomi 1, chapters 6-9.