Topic outline

  • There are five assignments in this course. Of these, only the first assignment is compulsory to pass the course, with grade passable (1). By doing more assignments, the student can earn a higher grade. All assignments are evaluated on a "fail-revise-pass-pass with distinction" scale. The grade of the course is calculated based on the number of assignments and their grades as follows:

    • No assignments submitted: course grade fail (0)
    • Assignment 1 submitted with "pass": course grade passable (1)
    • Assignments 1-2 submitted with "pass": course grade satisfactory (2)
    • Assignments 1-3 submitted with "pass": course grade good (3)
    • Assignments 1-4 submitted with "pass": course grade very good (4)
    • Assignments 1-5 submitted with "pass": course grade excellent (5)
    • Each "pass with distinction" adds 1 to the grade. For example, assignments 1-2 were submitted and both are evaluated "pass with distinction" = course grade very good (4). The smallest amount of assignments to earn excellent (5) is therefore 3 assignments of which two are evaluated "pass with distinction".
    • If the assignment is "fail", it is not taken into account in the course grade calculation. Failed assignments cannot be revised.
    • If the assignment is "revise", it can be revised until the deadline. If it is not revised, it is not taken into account in the course grade calculation.
    • Assignments with "pass" cannot be revised.
    All assignments have the same deadline, the last day of the period II. If the student wishes to learn how their assignments are doing, they should submit them as early as possible, as the assignments are graded on a weekly basis, most likely on Friday mornings.

    If it has been recognised that there is a situation or for example an illness or disability that makes doing the assignments difficult, contact teacher in charge so that the situation can be taken into account in grading.
    In Finnish: Jos sinulla on todettu jokin opiskelua ja tehtävissä suoriutumista vaikeuttava tilanne tai sairaus, ota yhteyttä kurssin opettajaan, jotta tilanteesi voidaan huomioida arvioinnissa.