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      Laboratory safety exam Kunskapstest
      Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande

      After you have studied the learning materials in the virtual laboratory, please take this exam. You may keep the virtual laboratory open while you take the exam. There is no time limit in the exam and you may take breaks during the exam.

      1) You need to answer all questions in the exam. Click "Check" after each question to get immediate feedback on your answer. Incorrect answers may lead in minus points.

      2) The exam will be graded automatically after you have finished it. Passing the exam requires at least 65% of the total points. 

      3) You may re-take the exam as many times as you like. Every attempt will have a different set of questions.

      4) After you have passed the exam, the course credits will be transferred to the study register of your own university. This may take several weeks.