ARK-E1020 - Studio Autumn, Irpin - The Future Horizon competition, Lectures, 4.9.2023-15.12.2023
This course space end date is set to 15.12.2023 Search Courses: ARK-E1020
Topic outline
The Future Horizon competition studio
Are you interested in participating in an international student competion?
This studio will give you the possibility of working with the topic from your special field of interest. You will work in an open, discussing, transdisciplinary way of creating together. We hope, that in every group there will be at least one student in landscape architecture. Working in a goup will provide richness in your final projects.
The strategy of the competition is to create a conceptual architectural and urban development master plan for the city of Irpin. This will be achieved by using maps, images, photomontages, digital urban views, renders, and a digital video. The aim is to capture a futuristic conceptual idea of architecture and urban planning for the city's current development, in an imagined scenario for the future horizon. The competition's approach emphasizes the importance of visual representation to convey this conceptual idea effectively. By using a combination of these techniques, the master plan will offer a comprehensive and coherent vision for Irpin's urban development that takes into account the city's current and future needs.
For more information check the competition website and the Essential Base Document (competition brief) through the links below.
(text from the frontpage of the competition)
REVIEW III (final)
29.11. 2023 13:30
Please submit your pdf files (3 posters) here (maximum size 400MB) before the review. This is the last review before your final submission.
Choose one student to submit the pdf file. Put the names of all group members into the pdf filename.
Name your file: Surnames_Review3_29112023
Your pdf submission must respect the delivery format described on the competition webpage. All posters must follow the rules of the delivery format.
You do not need to have the video yet. If you want to discuss the video in this review, you can present a screenplay with concepts and sketches. The final video and the final submission posters will be presented in the final discussion 15.12.2023
Delivery Format
The strategy of the competition is to create a conceptual architectural and urban development master plan for the city of Irpin. This will be achieved by using maps, images, photomontages, digital urban views, renders, and a digital video. The aim is to capture a futuristic conceptual idea of architecture and urban planning for the city's current development, in an imagined scenario for the future horizon. The competition's approach emphasizes the importance of visual representation to convey this conceptual idea effectively. By using a combination of these techniques, the master plan will offer a comprehensive and coherent vision for Irpin's urban development that takes into account the city's current and future needs.
Each formally registered team must submit three color A0 size sheets and an explanatory video of the contest trip. The pictures and the video must be sent by mail to within the deadline before December 18 in a ZIP folder whose weight does not exceed 20 MB.
The delivery must respect the format described below:
Sheets to deliver
Each eam must deliver three A0-size sheets in digital pdf format in color, which must respect the letter format helvética (n°?) and bullet marked on the attached example sheets. The sheets and their material must respect the order and format described below:
Sheet n°1 - A0 Color
A main digital image, visualization in 3D, render, handwritten perspectives or photomontages, on a large scale and with a striking visual character that captures the central futuristic and conceptual idea of the project. This along with the development of a working memory that will include the main ideas developed in the proposal as well as the work modality. This memory must explicitly include the answers to the 11 essential questions previously exposed in this web page and must be through drawings, sketches, writings or perspectives by hand, including:
Inspirations with comments and conclusions.Sketch of the main idea/vision of the concept to develop.
Design guidelines of the program assumptions.
Sheet n°2 - A0 Color
A conceptual map scale 1:10.000 based on the submitted planimetry, showing the future functional structure of the city together with the particular work on some critical spaces (defined by participants) within the city of Irpin. All the graphics and approaches must account for the main intentions and spatial definitions of each proposal, including:
Texts, tables, diagrams and graphs of the functional program concept and for each special part, place or sector selected to be remodeled, improved or worked.
Texts, tables, diagrams and graphs of the functional and spatial conceptual vision of the project.
Schemes explaining design solutions for each special part, place or sector selected to be remodeled, improved or worked.
Sheet n°3 - A0 Color
This last sheet will take place to show the rest of the 3d digital images, render, photomontages or handwritten perspectives developed on the conceptual idea of the new city for Irpin in a graphically important and attractive way . These should not be more than 3 or 4.
Video "The Journey of the Contest"
Along with all of the above, each group must present a VIDEO MP4 format of no more than 2 minutes in 1920 x 1080 resolution with a 16:9 aspect ratio; in which you must include:
A first-person recorded description of any of the group members recounting "THE JOURNEY OF THE CONTEST”": how and why they made certain decisions and their relationship to the Essential Questions presented in this document to be answered by each team.
Some visualizations in 3d movement, touring the places intervened by each team.
Dear members of the student teams participating in our international competition,
I hope you are feeling excellent when you receive this email.
After a thorough and detailed review and analysis process, I send you the document that contains the answers to your queries sent regarding the topics related to the preparation and final delivery of your architectural and urban proposals for our competition.
We sincerely hope that this time of intensive work for the development of your proposals is being productive, exciting and full of hope.
Our International Jury, the authorities together with your local community of the City of Irpin, Ukraine and our work team, are very eager to receive and review your proposals for this beautiful city.
Remember that the deadline for sending your participating proposals is before 8pm (CET) on Friday, December 18, 2023, which must be sent via email to the Director of the Contest through a link that accesses a Digital Folder in Google Drive.
We look forward to seeing your proposal on this date,
All the best for you,Cristián Alfredo Wittig Grell
Director of International Contest, Irpin: The Future Horizon
Senior International Consultant Reconstruction City of Irpin, Ukraine
Member of the International Advisory Board of the Irpin Reconstruction Summit (IRS)
Director of Projects and Studies
Thought Group Chile
Ph: +56225802550
Cell: +56978090096
Dear student teams participating in our international competition,
I hope they are excellent.
In conjunction with the detailed information regarding the elements that must be sent as part of the final proposals for our competition, in addition to the sending of the 3 Sheets for the Development of the Proposals, the Explanatory Video of the Development of these proposals and the Explanatory Report of them, each of the participating teams must submit a completed document called "Identification of Participants" which will be sent by the Contest Director by email along with the answers to the queries made by the participating teams where It must be filled out with the name of the university, the name of the sponsoring Faculty, Institute or School of Architecture and Urban Planning and the names of each of the participating students along with their respective emails. You can easily find this document along with this email.Likewise, the names of the teachers in charge of the team of participating students must be mentioned.
This information will be known and handled with the utmost confidentiality only by the Contest Director and his Executive Secretary.Please, we ask you to take the maximum possible care to ensure the correct sending of all the required documents that make up part of your proposals, in order to avoid complications, because the absence of any of these required documents will be sufficient cause for the elimination of the equipment of participating studentsI look forward to seeing your full proposals submission.All the best for you,Cristián Alfredo Wittig Grell
Director of International Contest, Irpin: The Future Horizon
Senior International Consultant Reconstruction City of Irpin, Ukraine
Member of the International Advisory Board of the Irpin Reconstruction Summit (IRS)
Director of Projects and Studies
Thought Group Chile
Ph: +56225802550
Cell: +56978090096
Thank you very much for having successfully completed the payment and registration process of your student teams that will participate in our international contest.
The Director of the Contest and his work team made a change to this initial Registration Code (Number PayPal Receipt or Bank Transference Registration Payment), for a new Participation Code, which will be the Code with which each team will develop and send their proposals on the day of the final delivery defined for December 18, 2023.
The Participation Code Number for your Students Team is: T102 / T103 / T104 / T105 / T106
When the proposal sent by the participating student teams is satisfactorily received by the Director of the Contest, this Participation Code will be changed to the final Code for the Competition, to ensure the complete anonymity of each proposal during the review and decision process of the International Jury.
We are very happy and satisfied, because a large number of universities from all corners of the world paid and successfully completed the registration process, once the final term considered for such purposes had expired.
In this way, and as it has been programmed, we are sending you a link so that you and your participating student teams can access a Google Drive Folder where we have put all the general and technical information necessary so that you can carry out a comprehensive approach. to the reality of the City of Irpin, before the invasion of the Russian army, the destruction and devastation generated in its urban space, and certain guidelines for its future projection:
In addition, in this link, you will be able to find a file that contains the Rules and Specific Technical Requirements of the contest process, the Format of the 3 Sheets, the Explanatory Report and the Video of the Development Process, which will make up each one of the proposals prepared by participating student teams.
Also, you can find through this link the Official Gantt Chart of the contest development process, including its relevant milestones such as the Final Delivery of the participating proposals, the review and deliberation process of our International Jury, and the development of the Ceremony Final Award for the winners of the contest, which will be held in the City of Wroclaw, Poland.
We hope that all this information sent will be useful for the participating student teams.
For further information you can also visit our Official Web Site Page:
If you have any questions or concerns about this information, do not hesitate to contact us.
I look forward to seeing your comments and confirmation of receipt of this sent information.
All the best for you,
Cristián Alfredo Wittig Grell
Director of the International Contest Irpin: The Future Horizon
Senior International Consultant Reconstruction City of Irpin, Ukraine
Member of the International Advisory Board of the Irpin Reconstruction Summit (IRS)
Director of Projects and Studies
Thought Group Chile
Ph: +56225802550
Cell: +56978090096