Osion kuvaus

    • seminar room 310, Metallimiehenkuja 4, 2. floor



      13:00   From historic, fossil rebuilding towards post-fossil and ecological realms of reconstruction – post WW2 Europe and 2020–2030s Ukraine

      Panu Savolainen, Assistant Professor, History of Architecture and Architectural Conservation

      (this lecture has been cancelled)


      14:00   Regenerative urban landscapes

      Elisa Lähde, Assistant Professor, Landscape planning and ecology


      15:00   Placemaking and identity

      Hossam Hewidy, Lecturer, Urban and regional planning


      16:00   coffee break


      16:30   Urban design principles

      Tommy Lindgren, Lecturer, Urban Design


      17:30   Wooden prefabs as a strategy for reconstruction – The case of Timberhouse Ltd in World War II

      Laura Berger, Postdoctoral researcher, Finnish Academy