BIZ-A2201 - Scientific thinking and writing, Economics, Luento-opetus, 8.1.2024-3.4.2024
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 03.04.2024 Etsi kursseja: BIZ-A2201
Osion kuvaus
This is a self-study course that aims to provide students with tools for understanding and applying academic thinking, and engaging in academic writing to produce texts such as a BSc thesis. The course material consists of texts and short videos, and is divided in sections by theme.
We will have one mandatory classroom meeting in this course, on 15.2 ON ZOOM (updated on 12.2 due to the public transport strike that day). That meeting will cover some of the material posted on the course page, and include a graded classroom activity. Instructions for preparation are posted under "Classroom meeting 15.2" here on the Mycourses page.
zoom link for classroom meeting on 15.2, 15.15-17.45: (Meeting ID: 678 2736 3003)
The grading of the course is based on:
- going through the material on my courses - please notice that your progress is tracked on mycourses. For a passing grade you need to view all the material on the course page. You can track your own progress from the navigation panel on the left. Activities they have completed have a green disc next to them, activities that are not done and for which the submission deadline is still open have a white-centered ring next to them, and activities not done where the deadline has passed have a red disc next to them.
- passing the Quizzes here on MyCourses that are based on the course material. You have 2 chances to write each quiz to obtain a passing grade of 80% correct (75% for Quiz 1).
- completing two assignments, material will be posted soon!
For the written assignment, you need to choose an academic paper in economics that you will write the assignment about (precise instructions will be given later). You can already start thinking about a paper that you would like to read and use for this assignment.
This forum can be used to find someone to work together with on the course materials