
  • On the final session students will have to present the work they have done in groups.

    Presentation format: PowerPoint

    Time: 15 minutes for presentation, followed by a 10-minute discussion

    You should upload your PowerPoint to MyCourses by January 28th, 12.00 pm

    -     Group assignment: Groups were assigned by Session 2 (Wednesday 17th January).

    -     Choose a real company and assume the role of the CEO. Select one "CEO agendum" (a biggest opportunity of risk  the company is facing and the CEO needs to make a decision and take an action).

    -     Imagine your team as consultants hired by the CEO to address this agendum. Prepare and present your final recommendation to CEO (i.e. the decision and action you will recommend the CEO to implement)

    We meet in room Y346 at Undegraduate Centre, Otakaari, 1.