Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Welcome to AI & Design course!

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the design profession. AI provides new opportunities that help designing, but it also requires the designers to use AI ethically. Interaction designers need to learn to design AI systems with new interaction principles.

    Course content

    This 2ECTS course introduces how AI and Design relate, covering the following perspectives:

    1. How designers can utilize AI in their work
    2. Human-AI Interaction Design
    3. Ethical aspects of AI

    After this course, the students are able to reflect from different viewpoints on how AI may change the design profession.


    The contact teaching sessions run on Thursdays 15:15 – 17:00 in Väre, room F102. They typically consist of a lecture (45min), followed by a group work and sharing the groups' results (45min). After the session, students work on a weekly assignment.

    29.2.2024         Course introduction, preparation for assignment, Oscar Person

    07.3.2024         How do AI models learn and compute their outputs, Antti Salovaara

    14.3.2024         Generative AI prospects for design, Severi Uusitalo

    21.3.2024         AI for early concept visualization & ideation, Anssi Ahonen

    04.4.2024        Ethics of AI for designers, Anna-Mari Wallenberg

    11.4.2024         Human-AI interaction design, Virpi Roto & Martina Caic

    18.4.2024         Deadline of the reflective survey

    The course consists of lectures, reading materials, group discussions, group work, individual work, and a final survey. To pass the course, the students need to:

    1. Actively attend to all sessions
    2. Prepare discussion topics / questions about the reading material for the discussion session / lecture
    3. Submit all homework assignments showing understanding of the topic of the assignment
    4. Fill in a personal reflective survey