Topic outline

  • General

    Directivity of Sound Sources and Receivers

    ELEC-E5632 – Audio Technology Seminar

    In autumn 2024, the topic of the Audio Technology Seminar will be "Directivity of Sound Sources and Receivers". The seminar is suitable for all MSc students in Acoustics and Audio Technology who have already taken courses in Communication Acoustics and ideally also in Virtual Acoustics, as well as for PhD students who are familiar with the above topics but want to deepen their understanding of the specifics of sound source and receiver directivity. The seminar will take place in periods I and II, starting on September 2, 2024, and ending in early December 2024. Prof. Johannes M. Arend will organize the seminar. Johannes M. Arend, Fabian Brinkmann (TU Berlin), Nils Meyer-Kahlen, and Stefan Wirler, who are researching in the field of source and receiver directivity, will give introductory lectures. In addition, Aki Mäkivirta (Genelec CTO) will give a talk on Genelec's approach to HRTF individualization. The seminar starts on Monday, September 02, 2024 at 14:15 in Hall T5 - A133 (Computer Science Building, Konemiehentie 2, Espoo). All lectures of this seminar will be held in the same hall, T5 - A133 in the CS building.

    Seminar Schedule






    14.15 – 16.00

    L0_01: Opening of the seminar. Introduction and selection of seminar topics. Practical aspects.

    L0_02: How to write a good paper

    Johannes M. Arend


     Vesa Välimäki


    14.15 – 16.00

    L1: Voice and instrument directivity

    Johannes M. Arend


    14.15 – 17.00

    L2: Human receiver directivity: Head-related transfer functions (incl. workshop on numerical HRTF simulation with Mesh2HRTF)

    Fabian Brinkmann
    (TU Berlin)


    15.45 – 17.00

    L3: Electroacoustic sources with variable directivity (remote lecture)

    Nils Meyer-Kahlen


    14.15 – 16.00

    L4_01: Electroacoustic receivers with variable directivity

    L4_02: How to make a good presentation

    Stefan Wirler



     Vesa Välimäki



    14.15 – 16.00

    L5: On Genelec’s AuralID  for HRTF individualization

    Aki Mäkivirta
    (Genelec CTO)


    14.15 – 17.00


    15 minutes time slots: 12 minutes presentation, 2 minutes questions, 1 minute switch


    Seminar Paper

    The expected length of the seminar paper is about 10 pages for Master’s students and about 15 pages for Doctoral students in a single column format using a 12-point font. The LaTeX template can be found in the Materials folder. The folder also contains example review papers and example seminar papers from the previous year for further guidance. Please see Assignments for more information about the seminar paper.

    Seminar Presentation

    Similar to a conference, the seminar presentations are scheduled in 15-minute time slots, with 12 minutes for the presentation, 2 minutes for questions, and 1 minute for a speaker change. Please see Assignments for more information about the seminar presentation.

    Grades range from 0 to 5. Criteria for grading include:
    • Quality of seminar paper
    • Quality of seminar presentation
    • Quality of comments on other seminar papers (peer-review inspired)
    • Attendance at introductory lectures
    • Active participation
    • Punctuality of submissions

    I will give points for the various assignments. The final grade will be determined by the sum of these points with the following thresholds:
    • 1 - 16 points
    • 2 - 26 points
    • 3 - 36 points
    • 4 - 46 points
    • 5 - 56 points

    Submission Schedule / Assignments
    Please see Assignments for further information on the submissions
    • 23.09.2024 – Paper structure and references
    • 07.10.2024 – 1st draft (some text + references)
    • 21.10.2024 – 2nd draft (more text + figures)
    • 04.11.2024 – Full paper submission
    • 11.11.2024 – Presentation slides submission
    • 18.11.2024 – Read two papers and write comments