CS-E4920 - Portfolio in Software and Service Engineering, Lecture, 27.8.2024-12.5.2025
Topic outline
Intended audience
This course is for all students in the Software and Service Engineering major, who
- want to plan their studies in the SSE major?
- are looking for to meet and greet with other students and the staff in the SSE major?
- want to analyze and plan their path towards being a professional?
How this course works
There are three modules. Each can be taken individually or accumulated up to 5 credits over several years. The earned credits will be given in May each year.
Your can take Module 2 and/or Module 3 even if you have not taken the other Modules.
Module 1: START (2cr, period I-II)
- Themes: networking with other SSE students, analysis of the job market, planning studies to achieve the skills and knowledge needed in the job market
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Module 2: WORK (2cr, period IV)
- Themes: constructing a learning portfolio based on studies and work experience, constructing and promoting a CV based on the learning portfolio, doctoral studies in SSE
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Module 3: PREPARE (1cr, period V)
- Themes: Master's thesis in SSE
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People behind this course
- Jari Vanhanen, jari.vanhanen(at)aalto.fi
- want to plan their studies in the SSE major?