Topic outline

  • Content of module 3

    During this module, we will discuss doing a Master's thesis in SSE. You will collect experiences from recently graduated SSE students through an interview. After this module, you are able to plan ahead and prepare for your thesis.

    All SSE students are welcome to this module, regardless of whether they have completed any previous modules. Any SSE student who is planning to start the thesis work may participate to the Contact Session I even without taking the whole module.  


    Contact Session I is obligatory to pass this module (all absences must approved separately). Please note that Task 1 should be done before the contact session.

    Tasks 1 and 2 are obligatory to pass this module.


    Task 1: Thesis worker interview, DL xx 13:00 

    Contact session I: xx @ ?

    • Intro to Master’s Thesis in SSE, Marjo Kauppinen & Jari Vanhanen
    • About the Research Methods course, Sari Kujala
    • My Master’s Thesis Project, N.N.
    • Student presentations (Task 1) in several parallel sessions 

    Task 2: ReflectionDL xx 23:59