ECON-C2110 - Intermediate Microeconomics I, Lecture, 4.9.2024-18.10.2024
This course space end date is set to 18.10.2024 Search Courses: ECON-C2110
This is the first half of the Intermediate Microeconomics course at Aalto. The course is taught by Marko Terviö. The Teaching Assistants (TAs) are Atte Kaljonen and Lachlan Paterson.
The second half is technically a separate course at Aalto, taught in period 2, see
Make sure to read the syllabus and the course instructions on these MyCourses pages carefully before registering for this course. Lectures take place at Otakaari 1. See Sisu for detailed time and classroom information.
The course has a Zulip chat here: Use your aalto email address to login.
NB: The schedule for period 2 is still preliminary.