The course enables the student to
- recognize the most common textile and clothing materials, their production methods, origins and properties
- understand the meaning of material selection in textile and clothing design
- explain the most important ecological aspects in textile and clothing production.
Credits: 3
Schedule: 11.09.2024 - 16.10.2024
Teacher in charge (valid for whole curriculum period):
Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Maarit Salolainen, Hirviniemi
Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation):
CEFR level (valid for whole curriculum period):
Language of instruction and studies (applies in this implementation):
Teaching language: English. Languages of study attainment: English
valid for whole curriculum period:
This is an introductory course into textile materials and technology. The course consists of online lectures and assignments on textile fibres, textile production technologies, textile structures and processes, standards, material care, material selection for various applications, and sustainable development principles in textiles and clothing. After a joint, face-to-face kick-off session, students follow the online material with lectures and complete assignments independently according to the guidelines. The course ends with a joint face-to-face lecture and discussion.
This is a compulsory course for MA level ARTS2056 Minor in Textiles - Material and Structure and for BA level minor in Textile and Color (alternative is MUO-C1072 Tekstiili- ja vaatetusmateriaalit in Finnish), and elective course in Sustainable Fashion and Textile Management minor by BIZ and Textile Chemistry and Design minor by CHEM. The course is open as an elective course to all Aalto University students and exchange students. The course is recommended for FaCT 1st year students lacking similar content in their BA studies.
Assessment Methods and Criteria
valid for whole curriculum period:
Assignments. 100% active attendance, of which 20% can be covered with additional assignment.
valid for whole curriculum period:
Lectures, online materials, assignments
Workload 3 cr = 81 hours
- Guided studying 6 h
- Independent studying 58 h
- Internalisation and reflection 16 h
- Giving course feedback 1 h
Study Material
valid for whole curriculum period:
- Salolainen, Maarit. Interwoven – Exploring Materials and Structures. Aalto University, 2022
- Sinclair, R., ed. Textiles and Fashion, Materials, Design and Technology. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2015
- Thompson, R. Manufacturing Processes for Textile and Fashion Design Professionals. New York: Thames & Hudson Inc, 2014
- Niinimäki, K., ed. Sustainable Fashion in a Circular Economy. Aalto University, 2018.
- Further literature list in MyCourses
Substitutes for Courses
valid for whole curriculum period:
valid for whole curriculum period:
SDG: Sustainable Development Goals
9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
12 Responsible Production and Consumption
Further Information
valid for whole curriculum period:
Teaching Language: English
Teaching Period: 2024-2025 Autumn I
2025-2026 Autumn IRegistration:
Group size: 10-40. Priority order:
- Textiles - Material and Structure Minor (MA) students and Textile and Colour Minor (BA) students
- Sustainable Fashion and Textile Management Minor students
- Textile Chemistry and Design Minor students
- FaCT major students
- Other Aalto students