Topic outline

  • Welcome to the course!

    Welcome to the lecture series on dual-use technologies, featuring experts from both industry and public sector! Dual-use technology involves the transfer of technologies and concepts between commercial and defence domains. The course will be organized for the first time!

    Who can join: This course is open to everyone, with no prerequisites required. Enrol now in Sisu (first add the course to your study plan). We have currently (Jan 23) 87 enrolled participants. 

    Lecture schedule: Thursdays from 16 to 18, comprising 11 sessions starting on January 30 and concluding on April 24 (with breaks for exam week and Easter), see the "Programme" tab for details.

    Location: Hall TU1 (Saab auditorium), Maarintie 8 building

    Course requirements: To earn three (3) ECTS credits towards your elective studies attend at least eight (8) lectures and complete given (non-intensive) weekly assignments, the grading is pass/fail.

    Course programme coordinator: Research Director Tatu Koljonen (primarily contact for programme and content-related matters)

    Course organizer: Department of Electronics and Nanotechnology (primary contact for practical arrangements is Jari Holopainen)

    Don't miss the opportunity to learn from leading experts in the field!